I guess I figured that Arrays were the natural data type for the tickets
since it has a fixed size and the elements all have a specific player
associated with them. I am coming from a Scheme background so I am already
very fluent in list manipulation. I'm not an imperative programer, so that's
not really the problem. I just think that Arrays represent this data much


On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 01:00:30PM +0100, Nils Decker wrote:
> "Mike T. Machenry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey Everyone,
> > 
> >   I am having a hard time making a data structure that I can
> >   incrimentally
> > update. Mostly because dealing with arrays is so tough. Does anyone
> > think I'm going about this completely the wrong way? This is what I
> > have.
> IMO there is normally no need to use arrays in haskell. You should
> use lists instead, because it is much more easy to use recursion
> over lists. Once you got the pattern, it feels like the natural
> way in haskell.
> It also helps to define more types than just one large type for everything.
> > data GameState = GameState {
> >   dTickets   :: Array Player (Array Ticket Int),
> >   fTickets   :: Array FugitiveTicket Int,
> >   history    :: [Move],
> >   dLocations :: Array Player Stop,
> >   fLocations :: Set Stop
> > }
> > 
> > removeTicket :: GameState -> Detective -> Ticket -> GameState
> > removeTicket s d t =
> >   s { tickets = (tickets s) // [(d,[(t,((tickets s)!d!t - 1))])] }
> why not use
> data Ticket = Ticket Int {-value-} deriving (Eq, Show)
> type Tickets = [Ticket]
> removeTicket :: Ticket -> Tickets -> Tickets
> removeTicket _ [] = fail "not there"
> removeTicket x (t:ts) 
>   | x == t    = ts
>   | otherwise = t : (removeTicket x ts)
> Is there a reason, to have different fields and types for detectives?
> data PlayerNames = MrX | Red | Green | Blue deriving (Eq,Show)
> If MrX needs special treatment ( computed move or information shown
> to the player ) you can patternmatch for MrX. For the usage of tickets
> and the history of moves there should be no difference.
> There might even be no reason to have PlayerNames as instance of enum.
> As i understand, you want to use succ(player) to find the next player
> to move.  It can be easier to have a function that recurses over a
> list of players to run one round.
> > This remove ticket function is just terrible and it's common for me to
> > have to do operations like this. It's been hard to make this a
> > function that I can pattern match on, because which piece of data is
> > manipulated depends on the parmeter d (Detective)
> Just split up the huge record and have tiny functions to deal with
> every specific part of it
> Summary in a few words: Use many small functions instead of a few
> big ones. Use lists instead of arrays. If you use arrays, first understand
> why you can not use lists in that specific case. Learn to recurse
> over lists! Learn to use map, foldl and foldr. They save you a lot of
> typing and make most functions dealing with lists short and clear.
> You should derive Show for all your types and test every new function
> in hugs or ghci. 
> Regards
>   Nils Decker
> PS: I have learned haskell a year ago after using imperative languages
>     all of my life. At first it is hard to get used to some concepts,
>     but then they are wonderful. 
> PPS: There is another list called haskell-cafe. It is used for discussion
>      of problems while this list is meant for short threads and announcements. 
>      You might want to subscribe to it. 
> -- 
> Freedom of speech is wonderful - right up there with the freedom 
> not to listen.
> Nils Decker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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