> Is there a library routine for random permutations?
> I didn't find any and did a quick hack, which works fine for my
> application (length of list < 100), but what would be a more
> elegant way?
> > permute :: StdGen -> [a] -> [a]
> > permute gen []  = []
> > permute gen xs  = (head tl) : permute gen' (hd ++ tail tl)
> >    where (idx, gen') = randomR (0,length xs - 1) gen
> >          (hd,  tl)   = splitAt idx xs

I've attached some *old* code that generates a random permutation.
Hope it still works ...

Cheers, Ralf


%-------------------------------=  --------------------------------------------
\section{Generate a random permutation}
%-------------------------------=  --------------------------------------------

> module RandomPerm(
>     randomPerm, randomPerms)
> where
> import Random
> import Int
> import Array
> import ST

% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

> randomPerm                    :: (RandomGen g) => [a] -> g -> ([a], g)
> randomPerms                   :: (RandomGen g) => [a] -> g -> [[a]]

% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For a list of length |n| we calculate a random number between |0| and
|n! - 1|. This random number is converted to the factorial number
system, see \cite[p.66]{Knu97Art2}. Recall that in this system a
sequence of `digits' $b_{n-1}\ldots b_0$ with $0 \leq b_i \leq i$
denotes the number $\sum_{i} b_i\cdot i!$ (note that $b_0$ is
necessarily $0$). This sequence is then used as a recipe for building
a random permutation: we exchange the elements at positions $i$ and
$i + b_i$ for $0 \leq i < n$.

> randomPerm as g               =  (permute num as, g')
>     where (num, g')           =  generate (length as) g

> randomPerms as g              =  as' : randomPerms as g'
>   where (as', g')             =  randomPerm as g

Generates a random number between |0| and |n! - 1| in the `factorial'
number system representation.

> generate                      :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> g -> ([Int], g)
> generate n g                  =  (convert fs r, g')
>     where (f : fs)            =  reverse (take (n + 1) (factorials 0 1))
>           (r, g')             =  randomR (0, f - 1) g

Convert a number to a mixed-radix numeral (the radices are given as the
first argument).

> convert                       :: [Integer] -> Integer -> [Int]
> convert [] _n                 =  []  -- |_n| should be |0|
> convert (f : fs) n            =  toInt q : convert fs r
>     where (q, r)              =  divMod n f

The list of factorial numbers.

> factorials                    :: Int -> Integer -> [Integer]
> factorials i f                =  f : factorials (i + 1) (f * fromInt (i + 1))

Note that we have to call |factorial i f| such that |f| is |i!|.

The function |permute| permutes the given list according to the
`factorial' numeral.

> permute                       :: [Int] -> [a] -> [a]
> permute num as                =  runST (
>                                    do { a <- newSTArray bs undefined;
>                                         sequence_ [
>                                             writeSTArray a i e
>                                         | (i, e) <- zip is as ];
>                                         sequence [
>                                             swap a i (i + r)
>                                         | (i, r) <- zip is num ];
>                                         mapM (readSTArray a) is })
>     where bs                  =  (0, length as - 1)
>           is                  =  range bs

The operation |swap| exchanges two elements of a mutable array.

> swap                          :: (Ix ix) => STArray s ix a -> ix -> ix -> ST s ()
> swap a i j                    =  do { x <- readSTArray a i;
>                                       y <- readSTArray a j;
>                                       writeSTArray a i y;
>                                       writeSTArray a j x }
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