Bjorn Lisper wrote:
There is an interesting research question in here: how to design "lean"
implementations of lazy functional languages so they can run on small
handheld and embedded systems with restricted resources.
> Furthermore, the i/o model
must be developed to accomodate the event-driven style typical for both
embedded and interactive systems.

What would be extermely nice for embedded systems work is a functional language with very lightweight threading (as in concurrency, not as in threaded code) and easy inter-thread communication. One could then assign e.g. a thread per an I/O pin in a microcontroller and write programs in a style that matches the problem domain.

I have toyed around with a design for a sort of pico-Erlang to
accomplish this, but it is just vaporware at the moment. I have
looked at some work on embedded functional programming, but it
seems to be concentrated on resource constrained decices but still
rather high-end systems, rather than the extremely resource impoverished
8-bit controller world I am interested in.

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