On 17-Mar-2003 Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
>| there is no need to use such hacks.  it is not dificult to add suport 
>| for mutually recursive modules to an implementation directly. 
>| unfortunatley none of the working haskell implementations support 
>| recursive modules,
> Simple in principle, not so simple in practice.  If it was easy to make
> GHC do mutually recursive modules we'd do it right away.  It's certainly
> possible but it's real work, and .hi-boot files, while clunky, do the
> job.

My original posting was partly aimed at Hugs, since I find it very convenient to
use Hugs during development, though I finally compile the stuff with ghc. A
Haskell-toHaskell precompiler would solve the problem for both Hugs and ghc.

And I wasn't sure from my first look into the manual that hi-boot-Files are 
actually a feasible solution for mutual recursion at a greater scale. But since 
you both find hi-modules feasible, I'll try out them in the next version.

Elke Kasimir                             EsPresto AG
- Software Development-                Breite Str. 30-31 
Tel/Fax: +49-30-90 226-750/-760   10178 Berlin/Germany

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