If anyone ports this to work with GHC6.0 please let us know.


On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 09:58 am, Peter Simons wrote:
> S Alexander Jacobson writes:
>  > Is there a reasonably efficient Haskell httpd
>  > implementation around that uses poll/select?
> There is a web server written in Haskell: HWS-WP
> -- or "Haskell Web Server with Plug-ins". You'll
> find it at:
>     http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=253134
>     http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/haskell-libs/libs/hws-wp/
> The following paper from Simon Marlow provides a
> detailed description of the server's architecture:
>     Writing High-Performance Server Applications
>     in Haskell, Case Study: A Haskell Web Server
>     http://www.haskell.org/~simonmar/bib.html
> Note that HWS-WP does not use poll(2) directly.
> Instead, it relies an Haskell's forkIO function to
> spawn concurrent threads of execution. These are
> _not_ necessarily system threads, though. GHC, for
> instance, does implement IO threads with poll()
> internally. Other compilers or run-time systems
> may use other techniques.
> I have experimented with direct poll()-based
> scheduling in Haskell (using a CSP monad to
> implement co-routines) and honestly didn't find it
> to be worth the extra effort. Eventually, I threw
> all the code away and just used forkIO, like
> everybody else does.
> Peter
> P. S.: If you're interested in a poll()-based web
> server written in C++, though, let me know. I have
> some code I'm more than willing to share. The
> server speaks HTTP/1.1 and can deliver static
> pages. No dynamic content, though. But it _is_
> fast. :-)
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