Hi people,

I have just downloaded the fptools with the purpose of use the hdirect.
But when I execute a "make boot; make" in the hdirect directory in the
middle of the compile process I get the following error:

==fptools== make all - --unix -r;
 in /cygdrive/c/haskell/fptools/hdirect/comlib
/cygdrive/c/ghc/ghc-6.0.1/bin/ghc -H16m -O  -fvia-C  -package-name com
lang -I../lib -DCOM -fglasgow-exts -fvia-C -static -c TypeLib.hs -o
TypeLib.o  -
ohi TypeLib.hi

    Couldn't match `IUnknown i0' against `()'
        Expected type: Ptr (IID (IUnknown i0))
        Inferred type: Ptr (IID ())
    In the fourth argument of `prim_TypeLib_createInstance', namely
    In a lambda abstraction:
        \ riid
            -> prim_TypeLib_createInstance methPtr iptr pUnkOuter riid
make[1]: *** [TypeLib.o] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 1

The steps that I used were:

-> "autoreconf" in the fptools directory
-> "./configure" in the fptools directory
-> "make boot; make" in the alex directory
-> "make boot; make" in the happy directory
-> "make boot; make" in the hdirect directoty

Can anyone help me? I'm just following a tutorial in:



  |  Mauro La-Salette C. L. de Araújo             |
  |  Graduando em Ciências da Computação CIn-UFPE |
  |  Bolsista do grupo PET CIn - UFPE             |
  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            |
  |  www.cin.ufpe.br/~mscla                       |

  "If this is true, building software will always be hard.
   There is inherently no silver bullet."

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