just as another sample point...

i write 99% of my code in either haskell or perl.  haskell tends to be for 
the longer programs, perl tends to be for the shorter ones, though the 
decision is primarily made for only one reason:

  - if the overhead to write the string processing code in haskell
    is outweighed by the overall length of the program, use haskell.
    otherwise, use perl.

i would be very very happy to abandon perl all together, but, for the most 
part, this isn't a niche haskell has been able to fit well in to yet.

 - hal

p.s., certainly this is at least somewhat unique to me, but almost all of 
the data i work with is unstructured text for two reasons.  first, that's 
how it naturally comes.  second, to throw xml or some other scheme on to 
it will balloon the data sizes to unmanagable amounts, with little gain.

On Tue, 24 Feb 2004, Johannes Waldmann wrote:

> Per Larsson wrote:
>  > .. I have since long missed some
> > typical text processing functionality in haskell.
> it is often the case that people process "text"
> only because they have no better (structured and typed) way of
> representing their data...

 Hal Daume III                                   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "Arrest this man, he talks in maths."           | www.isi.edu/~hdaume

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