At 17:24 24/02/04 +0000, Simon Marlow wrote:

> At 18:07 23/02/04 -0800, John Meacham wrote: > >It provides regular and monadic versions, a very overloaded > and useful > >interface, as well as extensibility. although currently the only > >instance is based on Text.Regex, it generalizes to matching lists of > >arbitrary type, not just strings, and also leaves the door open for > >compile-time checked and optimized regular expressions via template > >Haskell. > > I have a concern here that I hope you won't see as a negative > response to > your ideas... > > I recently ran into some problems porting some Haskell code > to Windows > because it used the Text.Regex library, which is dependent on > a Unix-only system.

Text.Regex works fine on Windows, at least on GHC.  It seems that Hugs
doesn't make it available, perhaps because it requires an auxiliary C
regex engine, which we provide as part of GHC.  It may be that this code
isn't as portable as the rest of Hugs, which is why they don't provide
it, but I'll let the Huge folks comment on that.

Ah, yes, maybe so. The last communication I have on this is:


------------ Graham Klyne For email:

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