On 28/02/2004, at 3:26 AM, David Bergman wrote:

Writing "function expression
..." would work too, but then it looks like a standard
function call rather than a function call associated with a
particular type, and I think that causes more confusion.
Long-time Haskell users understand that writing "foo.f"
means "use f in namespace foo"; changing around the language
semantics to mean that "f foo" now means "use f in namespace
foo" would make lots of people rather unhappy :).

I would want it to look as an ordinary function.

I don't know if I'd want it to look as an ordinary function, because then it looks and acts exactly the same as every single other function, and it clearly isn't. As an example of why, look at the API for IORef: in my fantasy world, if I were able to write 'readIORef myRef' as 'myRef.read', I definitely do not want a top-level 'read' function to be defined. Not only does it pollute the default namespace unnecessarily, but in this case it actually does conflict with an already-existing read function, so what is the type of read now? read has always been the function that's associated with the Read type class, but the name of 'read' for the IORef accessor clearly also makes sense. They are clearly two different functions, and I would wish for them to stay that way.

The single biggest problem
with Haskell, in my extremely humble opinion, is the shared namespace for
all data type accessors, with which you probably agree. It is what irritated
me the most with Entity-Relationship Diagram, that all fields need to have
unique name globally. This in contrast to instance variables, methods and
general overloading, as often found in OO languages.

Right, I completely agree that the shared namespace for data type accessors is the core of the problem, which is what led to me discuss the scheme I had in mind. I think the community, too, realises this problem is more than just an annoyance: at the 2003 Haskell Workshop, a new labelled fields (record?) system was being discussed, and there was much nodding when somebody stated that they'd be entirely happy keeping the current labelled fields system except that they wanted to be able to use the same field name for different data types. So, such a system effectively provides individual namespaces per data type, which is similar to my goal. However, because labelled field selectors operate directly on the data type they're defined on, they are unsuitable to be exported as a accessor function to an outside module, because they provide direct access to the internals of the data type rather than abstracting that away via a function. However, what I'm after is exactly the same goal as yours.

Thank you for bringing in the name 'accessor', by the way -- it's much nicer than writing 'per-type function' :).

"mere" intranamespacial parameter type
lookup (regular overloading) would achieve the same effect, without

I'm not sure what you mean by "intranamespcial parameter type lookup" -- can you explain?

ah, I meant regular overloading, i.e., have a function be identified not by
its name, but by its whole signature, including the arity and parameter
type(s) [yes, curry, curry...]

Sure, overloading can do exactly what we want (and Oleg has proven it with the sample code he's pasted). I am quite happy if type classes are capable of modelling such a scheme, although there must be some support from the compiler so that one doesn't have to manually declare a type class + various instances for each accessor you'd want to write. One thing I am a bit worried about using the current type class mechanism to do such a scheme is that you still clutter the global namespace (see a few paragraphs up about readIORef for why).

I (think I) understand the difference between dynamic binding vs
overloading: here, all I'm after is trying to use the type
system to give us a very simple form of overloading (e.g.
based on the first argument to a function), that gives us the
same effect as a per-type name space.

When I read my own response, I know realize that it sounds harsh. Sorry about that. That was not the intention. I also think you understand and appreciate the difference between the two forms of polymorphisms.

No offense taken; if anything, you are making me think harder about the problem I'm trying to solve and whether the way I'm going about it is right (or has been done before).

You touch at one of the core problems of Haskell.

Glad to see somebody else agrees. Oddly enough, the more I discuss this problem, the more I'm convinced that the approach I've suggested is the ideal way to go about it--implementation details being a minor detail, of course ;). What I'm secretly hoping is that the GHC/hugs/HBC people will see what I'm trying to achieve, tell me I'm totally nuts, and then suggest an alternative, much simpler approach which gives us exactly the same goal ...

-- % Andre Pang : trust.in.love.to.save

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