On 11 Jun 2004, at 08:50, Keith Wansbrough wrote:

On Fri, Jun 11, 2004 at 01:23:11PM +0200, Tom Hofte wrote:
I want to have a function that unpack an IO.
I should have the type: IO a -> a.
Is this possible?

There is unsafePerformIO, but before you use it, think - do you
really, really want to use it and you really, really know what the
consequences can be? Perhaps you could tell us what it is that you think
you need unsafePerformIO for? Maybe it can be done without it?

It really should be a list Rule that we don't mention unsafePerformIO
to newbies.  It should be obvious from the post that unsafePerformIO
is *not* what the poster wants, so telling them about it will just
confuse them.  The wiki pointer is much more useful.

(and the ghost of Launchbury whispers in my ear that this is the
Haskell list, and "unsafePerformIO is not Haskell"!).

John is dead?!?!?!

I guess it's obvious now that someone has implied it. It's seems that every time he's seen me of late, he wore an expression of great pain, bordering on a rictus. Further, consider that not one of the Galois ( http://www.galois.com ) pages has a photo of him and his OGI page ( http://www.cse.ogi.edu/~jl ) advertises "Warning: This page is out of date". Indeed, on the latter page, his visage lacks any sign of animation. Furthermore, it is a closely guarded secret that Oregonian Oxford Alumni are always interred in their symbolic color, eggplant.

Now couple this with the most recent issue of the Onion ( http://www.theonion.com/ ). Notice the second photo in the middle column is obviously a young John Launchbury. (This is clearer in the small picture, the larger one within the article has been discernibly retouched.) The accompanying story is about a young man committing suicide. Coincidence?

Or maybe this is all a ploy to boost sales. Those Galois fellows have a reputation for being clever. (Hmm... perhaps Wansbrough is a stock holder?)


P.S. Perhaps on the Haskell wiki we could start a page along the lines of:


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