Attend ICSM 2004, the International Conference on Software Maintenance, 11-14 
September 2004 in Chicago IL USA.

Held continuously since 1983, ICSM, the International Conference on Software 
Maintenance, is the major international conference in the field of software and 
systems maintenance, evolution, and management.  ICSM is the 20th in this series of 
international conferences.

See for registration and details.  Or email Publicity 
Co-Chair Nicholas Zvegintzov at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a request for all details.

Register on-line at, tab "Registration".

Accommodation and the conference itself will be at the historic Palmer House Hilton 
Hotel in downtown Chicago, near the lakeside.  See, tab 
"Hotel Reservation".

The ICSM 2004 program (, tab "Program Information") includes:

*     3 days (September 12-14) of 15 Technical Sessions featuring 48 research and 
empirical papers

*     2 Industrial Applications Sessions featuring state-of-the-art descriptions, 
experience reports, and survey reports from real projects, industrial practices and 

*     3 Tools Sessions featuring commercial and research tools with hands-on 

*     2 Panel Sessions:
      Test-Driven Development and Software Maintenance
      Evolution and Maintenance of Web Service Applications

*     The PhD Dissertation Session presenting doctoral research in software 
maintenance and evolution

*     Keynotes by Bill Woodworth (Corporate Director of IBM Software Test and 
Development Excellence) and Victor R. Basili (Professor of Computer Science at the 
University of Maryland and the Executive Director of the Fraunhofer Center - Maryland)

*     4 Tutorials (September 11):
      Management of Maintenance and Evolution
      Meta-programming in XVCL for Enhanced Changeability
      Program Transformation Systems: Theory and Practice for Software Generation, 
Maintenance and Reengineering
      Developing Software for Safety Critical Systems: When Failure is not an Option

ICSM 2004 is associated with:
      10th International Symposium on Software Metrics (
      6th International Workshop on Web Site Evolution 
      4th International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation 
      9th IEEE Workshop on Empirical Studies of Software Maintenance (WESS 04) 

General Chair is Panos Linos, Butler University, USA, with Program Co-Chairs Mark 
Harman, Brunel University, UK, and Bogdan Korel, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA.

The Conference is sponsored by IEEE Computer Society's Technical Council on Software 
Engineering (TCSE) in cooperation with Illinois Institute of Technology.

ICSM 2004
The International Conference on Software Maintenance
11-14 September 2004
The Palmer House Hilton Hotel
Chicago IL USA



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