This method unfortunately depends on having a seed first though. One must use a different value every time the program is started, commonly time or the first few bytes from /dev/random. Any one of these is going to require a monadic function to generate (i.e. it must come from the environment in some way - it must change every time you run the program)

So while this eliminates the IO monad from most of the program, it must still be initiated using it.


Tom Davie

Computer Science is as much about computers as astronomy is about telescopes -- Edsgar Dijkstra

On 11 Nov 2004, at 20:58, karczma wrote:

Georg Martius answers the request of:
Jose Manuel Hernando Cobeņa
I need generate random numbers by create polygons with "wxHaskell",
I am searching in the web, but all I only find IO functions like
test :: Integer -> IO Integer
I need this but with types :: Integer -> Integer

you need to reallise that Haskell is a pure language. That means a function has the same result if you call it with the same arguments (deterministic). A function that produces random numbers are not of such kind in the first place.

All depends on how you organize your computations.
1. You may in a purely functional, non-monadic way produce an infinite
list, a stream of numbers, and use them as you wish, incrementally.
gener seed =(aaa*seed + ccc) `mod` mmm -- or something alike...
strm = st seed0 where
st x = x : st (gener x)
Eventually, you can directly pass the updated seed from one function to
another in your program. In two words, write your programs in CPS, or
a little 'monadized' style.
Of course, you can transform the result from an integer between 0 and
mmm-1 to other thing.
2. Despite what G. Martius says, you CAN USE a pure, deterministic function
to produce something which looks randomly, it suffices to change the
argument. Concretely, Ward in Graphics Gems, and other people in other
places propose 'chaotic', *ergodic* functions, which vary wildly from
arg to arg, even neighbouring.
This is a "kind of hashing function".
An example can be found in this tutorial
You take an integer, and mix its bits by taking xors, modulo,
polynomials, etc.
Then, such a function sampled for j=0,1,2,3, ... N will look like
a genuinely random signal, without any need to 'propagate' anything.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk
PS. Georg Martius concludes:
PS: this question is more appropriate for haskell-cafe.

Well, why not haskell-bratwurst-mit-pils? The protocol of making/using
random stuff within Haskell is a specific problem which is not very well
developed nor taught, but it is not anecdotical, it may be important.
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