Dear Sir,

I was trying to install the HTTP module and came across the following error. Would really appreciate if could help me find the cause of the error.


Thanking you,





ghc -o main -package net -package util --make Main.hs

Chasing modules from: Main.hs

Compiling Zord64_HARD      ( ./Zord64_HARD.lhs, ./Zord64_HARD.o )



    Warning: No explicit method nor default method for `*'

             In the instance declaration for `Num Zord64'



    Warning: No explicit method nor default method for `signum'

             In the instance declaration for `Num Zord64'



    Warning: No explicit method nor default method for `abs'

             In the instance declaration for `Num Zord64'



    Warning: No explicit method nor default method for `xor'

             In the instance declaration for `Bits Zord64'



    Warning: No explicit method nor default method for `bitSize'

             In the instance declaration for `Bits Zord64'



    Warning: No explicit method nor default method for `isSigned'

             In the instance declaration for `Bits Zord64'



    Warning: No explicit method nor default method for `quotRem'

             In the instance declaration for `Integral Zord64'



    Warning: No explicit method nor default method for `toRational'

             In the instance declaration for `Real Zord64'



    Warning: No explicit method nor default method for `toEnum'

             In the instance declaration for `Enum Zord64'



    Warning: No explicit method nor default method for `fromEnum'

             In the instance declaration for `Enum Zord64'

Compiling Base64           ( ./Base64.hs, ./Base64.o )

Compiling MD5              ( ./MD5.lhs, ./MD5.o )

./MD5.lhs:14: lexical error



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