Hi Jose,

Jose manuel Hernando Cobeña wrote:

-hello, I need to create a list of Colors, and I like do this:

list_colors <- varGet vColors
color_red <- checkBox p [text := "Red", checked := False, on command := do aux red list_colors ]
aux one_color list_colors =
if (elem one_color list_colors)
then do
varSet vColors (delete one_color list_colors)
else do
varSet vColors (red:list_colors)

but the variable vColors no change and I can not create de list of colors.

You should pass the variable to the helper function -- not its value. ie. this should work better:

colorRed <- checkBox p [text := "Red", on command := onRed red vColors]
  onRed color vColors
    = vColors [value :~ \colors -> if (color `elem` colors)
                                    then .. else color:colors]

I hope this helps,
 -- Daan.

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