"S. Alexander Jacobson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(Moved to Haskell list because this is now a suggestion for the language)
I do a lot of this soft of thing.
   foo {bar = fn $ bar foo
       ,baz = fn2 $ baz foo

It would be much nicer if this syntax did the equivalent:
   foo {bar \= fn
       ,baz \= fn2

What about 'lifting' this higher? You are (essentially) suggesting a nice syntax for constructing functions from a record to itself. While your syntax is essentially pointfree, the semantics is 'pointwise' (in that it refers to a specific record) -- not to be confused with the fact that any such function needs to be done compontent-wise.

Wouldn't be even more convenient (as well as more 'functional') if a syntax like
   \foo {bar \= fn
        ,baz \= fn2
built a record-to-record function?  [The \foo might even be enough to allow bar 
= fn instead of bar = fn].

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