There are plenty of academic papers about Haskell, and plenty of informative
pages on the Haskell Wiki. But there's not much between the two extremes. The
Monad.Reader aims to fit in there; more formal than a Wiki page, but less
formal than a journal article.

Want to write about a tool or application that deserves more attention? 
Have a cunning hack that makes coding more fun? 
Got that visionary idea people should know about? 
Write an article for The Monad.Reader!

Contact Shae Erisson ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) to become an author, 
or talk to shapr on the #haskell irc channel on

Check the current roster -

Publishing Format:

    * Input is LaTeX (or just plaintext and images).
    * Output is Web and PDF/PS.
    * Release once a month.
    * Each article in a darcs repo for easy collaboration between author and 


    *BSD-like, feel free to read it, teach it, hack it, copy it, improve it.

The Monad.Reader: sequencing your input since 2005 
Shae Matijs Erisson - - Sockmonster once said:
You could switch out the unicycles for badgers, and the game would be the same.

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