| Sent: 19 January 2005 14:42
|     Unbound implicit parameter (?global_counter::IORef a)
|     arising from use of `get_unique' at Test.hs:17:13-22
| Is this a bug? Is there some reason why this is not possible? (and if
| is not possible
| shouldn't the documentation be changed to reflect this)...

Keean's program has made me realise (yet again) that implicit parameters
are a bit different to class constraints.


    module Main where

        main = let ?x = 5 in print foo

        foo = woggle 3

        woggle :: (?x :: Int) => Int -> Int
        woggle y = ?x + y

GHC's current rules say that 'foo' is monomorphic, so we get
        foo :: Int
but we also get an unbound top-level constraint (?x::Int).  GHC emits a
message like:
     Unbound implicit parameter (?x::Int)
     arising from use of `woggle' at ...

because we don't have a top-level binding form for implicit parameters.
So it's stupid for 'foo' to be monomorphic.

The situation is a bit different for class constraints:

   module Main where
        main = print fooC

        fooC = woggleC 3

        woggleC :: Num a => a -> a
        wogglec y = y+1

'fooC' is monomorphic, so we get foo :: a, with a top-level constraint
(Num a); and the defaulting mechanism fixes a=Integer, so all is well.
Even in the absence of monomorphism, we might get some other use of
'fooC' in the module which fixes fooC's type.  So it's *not* stupid for
foo to be monomorphic.

Possible conclusions

A) Emit an error message at the definition of foo, saying that it needs
a type signature.

B) Change the rule so that we always generalise over the implicit
parameters of *top-level* definitions, even in definitions that fall
under the MR.

C) Change the rule so that we always generalise over implicit
parameters, whether top-level or nested.

I'll do (A) for now, I think, since it improves the error message. 

For those that care, there are quite extensive notes about
generalisation and implicit parameters in GHC's source code, here:
(search for "Notes on implicit parameters").  Interestingly, the notes
argue for (C), but that's not what is currently implemented in GHC, for
reasons I don't remember.  Perhaps compatibility with other


| -----Original Message-----
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Keean Schupke
| Sent: 19 January 2005 14:42
| To: glasgow-haskell-users@haskell.org
| Subject: Implicit parameters:
| Question regarding implicit parameters... The GHC manual says:
| "Dynamic binding constraints behave just like other type class
| constraints in that they are automatically propagated."
| But the following code produces an error:
| main = do
|    var <- newIORef (0::Int)
|    let ?global_counter = var in f
| f = do
|    a <- get_unique
|    putStr (showInt a "\n")
|    b <- get_unique
|    putStr (showInt b "\n")
|    c <- get_unique
|    putStr (showInt c "\n")
| get_unique :: (?global_counter :: IORef Int) => IO Int
| get_unique = readIORef ?global_counter
| If "(?global_counter :: IORef Int)" were a class constraint the type
| signature
| for 'f' could be derived automatically... but we get:
|     Unbound implicit parameter (?global_counter::IORef a)
|     arising from use of `get_unique' at Test.hs:17:13-22
| Is this a bug? Is there some reason why this is not possible? (and if
| is not possible
| shouldn't the documentation be changed to reflect this)...
|     Keean.
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