Peter Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  > Lifting [network address information] to Haskell level
>  > seems quite pointless, as it is usually just fed back to
>  > the C functions.
> Well, I certainly _do_ need it.

You can certainly get it:
getHost mySocketAddress niNumerichost
getServ mySocketAddress niNumericserv

> That's true. However, it doesn't work with anything _but_
> IPv4 and IPv6. I think it is unsatisfactory that you need a
> different function to connect to a TCP target than to
> connect to a Unix stream socket.

Having a separate TCP connect function is just for
niceness - of course one can use an aproach to go from
URIs to sockets having a case statement for each scheme.

But what URI should represent e.g. unix datagram sockets?
Having an URI connection function would be nice, but having
it as the primary alternative would not be very nice.

- Einar Karttunen
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