On 26/05/05, Sven Panne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Samuel Bronson wrote:
> > The thing is, Haskell people tend to want to use Darcs for their
> > Haskell stuff, and I don't think there are sites like sourceforge
> > supporting it yet...
> So my question is (probably once again): Why can >100.000 projects
> live with SF and not the Haskell community? Although CVS is not my
> favourite version control system, I'd happily use it if I get the
> rest of SF for free then.
> I have the very strong feeling that we are experiencing a "not
> invented here" + "we can do it better" scenario...  :-[ I see the
> need for Cabal/Hackage, but I am far from being convinced that
> building a SF-like site from scratch is the right way to go. Either
> collaborating with the SF people or modifying GForge looks more
> promising and economical to me.

I think we might actually be suffering from the "invented here"
syndrome, namely because we got early exposure to darcs and many of us
got hooked. Just about every project I do goes into darcs pretty
quick. I should make a script to make a directory and set up two repos
named "base" and "work" under it, or maybe just set up one to copy
around ;-).

I'm sure most of us have used CVS and/or SVN with existing projects
(or before darcs, or for things which need to run everywhere and not
just where GHC runs), and some of us probably don't like darcs, but
that doesn't mean others of us don't feel the need for darcs hosting.

-- thought-I-had-sent-this-already-ly yrs, Sam
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