On 7/27/05, Alex Edelsburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello! 
>     I'm a student in Professor John Peterson's Elements of Computing (class
> site located here: http://cs.yale.edu/cs110-05) and he's having me learn
> Haskell with Paul Hudak's SOE book. I'm working on the PaddleBall in 20
> lines at the end of Chapter 15 and I'm having a problem with HUGS. I
> downloaded the version from
> http://haskell.org/soe/software.htm which is recommended
> but I'm still having trouble. I copied the code verbatim from the book and I
> still get the following error. 
>  ERROR "Animation.hs" - Unknown entity "word32ToInt" imported from module
> "Word" 

'word32ToInt' is 'fromIntegral' now.

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