Wouter Swierstra succeeded compiling wxhaskell for Mac OSX Tiger. See his messages on the wxhaskell-mailinglist:

From: Wouter Swierstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.Nott.AC.UK>
Re: Installation on Mac OS X  
2005-11-09 04:42
Yep, that fixes it.

Thanks again for everyone's help.


For the record, here's what I had to do

Download wxMac2.6.2

 > cd wxMac-2.6.2/
 > mkdir mybuild
 > cd mybuild
 > ./configure --disable-shared --disable-unicode
 > make
 > sudo make install

Download and unpack wxHaskell 0.9.4

comment out the function wxColour_GetPixel in wxhaskell-0.9.4/wxc/src/

 >./configure --wx-config=/usr/local/bin/wx-config
 >make install


On 17-nov-05, at 22:29, Joel Reymont wrote:

I cannot build it on Mac OSX either. I think it has to do with GCC 4.x.

On Nov 17, 2005, at 9:09 PM, Deling Ren wrote:

Hi there, is there anyone out there having luck with compiling wxHaskell from source on Debian? My Debian version is 3.1, ghc 6.4.1 from sid. wxWidgets 2.6.3. wxHaskell version is 0.9.4. gcc version is 4.0.3. I got the following error messages when trying to run "make".

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