Everybode, many thanks for your replies!

Jean-Philippe Bernardy schreef:
Maybe SVG is a suitable target/intermediate format. IIRC cairo (and
thus probably gtk2hs) can render it.

On 12/20/05, David Roundy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, Dec 20, 2005 at 03:14:29PM +0100, Gerbrand van Dieijen wrote:
I plan to develop a library in Haskell to draw charts, such as pie
charts, bar charts and line charts, to visualize data.  Functionality
will be similar to gnuplot, or chart libraries that already exist for
other languages. The chart library is for (part of) my master-thesis
project and it is still in its planning phase.

There are several graphic-libraries for Haskell, but I couldn't find any
specifically for drawing charts. To avoid that I am reinventing the
wheel, does anyone know of such a library that is already developed or
being developed?
Not that I know of.  I would say, though, that if you write a charting
library, it would be great to separate the display from the layout as much
as possible, so that different backends could be plugged in.  Not as much
as gnuplot, but enough that it would be easy to support different gui
libraries, or direct postscript output.  I'd definitely like to have such a
module available.
David Roundy
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