One thing which I can think of would be HaskellNewbie and all its
subpages. The problem there is that no copyright information is
available for any of it. I suppose we could just ignore that concern
and copy it over wholesale :)

On 01/10/06, Ian Lynagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

HaWiki[1] has been deprecated since the beginning of this year[2] when
the new HaskellWiki[3] was introduced. However, we are now in the
situation where we have both wikis running in parallel, which
occasionally causes confusion to users, and means we have outdated
information lying around on the old wiki.

We have therefore decided that the old wiki will be taken down at the
end of this month. If there is any information on it that you think
should be kept but has not yet been migrated to the new wiki, this is
the time to act!

We have made a page for handling the migration, listing all the pages on
the old wiki:
If you migrate a page, or find that it has already been migrated, then
remove it from the list.

Remember you need to check licences before moving content to the new

Ian and Shae


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