Thank you so much Eric. That helps a lot!

On 10/29/06, Eric Y. Kow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sun, Oct 29, 2006 at 22:04:44 -0800, Sukit Tretriluxana wrote:
> I saw someone posting a comment (
> about the build of wxHaskell for GHC 6.6 and wxWidget 2.6.2 but it's not
> currently hosted anywhere yet. Does anyone know where can I get the Windows
> binary build of it for the time being?

There is a build for GHC 6.6 and wxWidgets 2.4.2 on shelarchy's
Kamiariduki project (note the older wxWidgets):

Otherwise, there is a darcs repository at

The patches to make it compile for GHC 6.6 (sans jumping through hoops)
haven't made it in yet, and for some reason, sourceforge isn't archiving
our recent messages.  But I can send them to you if you want to try your
hand at compiling.

Eric Kow           
PGP Key ID: 08AC04F9         Merci de corriger mon français.

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