(Simon and Andy, if you guys got this twice, sorry about the double mail)

On 25 Jan 2007, at 09:55, Simon Marlow wrote:

Forwarding on behalf of Andrzej Jaworski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

-------- Original Message --------
From: Andrzej Jaworski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Perhaps making a collective effort towards benchmarking Haskell programs and
analyzing the results in some methodic way could prove helpful?

In which way? Using hardware performance counter metrics on actual hardware? Or determining which bottlenecks occur with Haskell programs in binary form (in terms of data locality and the lot)? Is there a 'Haskell-program benchmark suite' out there?




Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital (Aaron Levenstein)

Kenneth Hoste
ELIS - Ghent University

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