module Dice where

import System.Random
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO,unsafeInterleaveIO)
import Data.List (unfoldr)

dice4,dice6,dice8,dice10,dice12,dice20,dice666 :: [Int]
dice4 = randomRs (1,4) (read "foo"::StdGen)
dice6 = randomRs (1,6) (mkStdGen 5)
dice8 = randomRs (1,8) (unsafePerformIO newStdGen)
dice10 = unfoldr (Just . randomR (1,10)) (read "42"::StdGen)
dice12 = fmap ((+1).(mod `flip` 12)) $ randoms (read "bar"::StdGen)
dice20 = [succ $ x `mod` 20|x<-unfoldr (Just . random) (mkStdGen 23)]
dice666 = unfoldr (\io_a -> Just . unsafePerformIO $ fmap ((,)`flip` io_a) 
io_a) $ randomRIO (1,666)

Am Donnerstag, 26. April 2007 18:58 schrieb robert bauer:
> Hi,
> I need some random numbers.  The documentation identifies StdGen, but I can't 
> figure out how to invoke it.  The documentation is great
> in every way, except an actual example that I can essentially cut and paste.
> Thanks
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