On Fri, 2007-27-04 at 15:37 -0400, Taillefer, Troy (EXP) wrote:

> I really enjoy Functional programming (at least until I try to do
> something serious then frustration sets in). I can't produce software in
> a timely and cost effective fashion without a large body of high
> quality, documented and maintained libraries.
> I get the feeling that Haskell is for researchers to explore ideas about
> programming in but no one is interested in doing The grind work of
> cranking out useful basic libraries. 
> I guess you need borrow some of those Java Chimps :).
> Am I the only person on the list that feels this way ?

No.  You're not.  I wish I knew the language better so I could start
working on those libraries.  I love the language, but can't use it.

Michael T. Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (GoogleTalk:
Never, ever, ever let systems-level engineers do human interaction
design unless they have displayed a proven secondary talent in that
area. Their opinion of what represents good human-computer interaction
tends to be a bit off-track. (Bruce Tognazzini)

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