The classic paper "The Incremental Garbage Collection of Processes" ( describes "futures" and
how particularly garbage collecting them when their pending result is no
longer referenced.  I've been playing with an implementation of futures in
Concurrent Haskell (, using MVars,
and I'm stumped about how to GC non-winning threads in a race between
futures ("parallel or").  I'm having winner kill loser, which seems to work
fine, though is potentially dangerous w.r.t locked resources.  Still, the
elegance of a GC-based solution appeals to me.  Has anyone explored process
GC ideas for Concurrent Haskell (or STM)?

Futures are implemented using Concurrent Haskell's MVars.  I first tried
using STM and TVars, simply using orElse to implement mappend for futures.
However, I didn't see how to avoid nesting "atomically", which yielded a
run-time error.  If anyone has ideas about using STM & TVars for futures,
I'd love to hear.

Thanks,  - Conal
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