Hello fellow GHC users,

Ian Lynagh wrote:
    The (Interactive) Glasgow Haskell Compiler -- version 6.10.1


How to get it

The easy way is to go to the web page, which should be self-explanatory:


Gentoo Linux users can get it from the gentoo-haskell overlay[1].

If you're not familiar with this overlay (a gold mine for haskell hackers using gentoo), you can easily use layman[2] to get access. Make sure you have darcs installed, as it is a requirement for our overlay.

Once layman is set up, add the overlay with:

 $ layman -a haskell

Note that ghc-6.10.1 still is masked by keyword, and you need to unmask it first. If you're not familiar with how to do this, here's a quick guide:

 # make sure /etc/portage exists
 $ [[ -d /etc/portage ]] || mkdir /etc/portage
 # accept ghc being ~arch
 $ echo "dev-lang/ghc" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
 # ghc requires the very latest libedit package
 $ echo "dev-libs/libedit" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords

You may then install ghc-6.10.1 by saying:

 # this requires that you already have an older ghc version installed
 $ USE="ghcbootstrap -binary" emerge ghc

The USE flags are required as we don't just yet provide the required binaries to bootstrap ghc. The command above requires that you already have a ghc version installed to bootstrap with. This version will be replaced with ghc-6.10.1 once the installation finishes.

GHC binaries will follow shortly, which will shorten the procedure to:

 $ emerge ghc

The packages from extralibs will also be available from the overlay.

If you run into trouble, reply to the ml, or find us in #gentoo-haskell at freenode.

  Lennart Kolmodin -- using his Gentoo Linux Developer hat

 [1] http://code.haskell.org/gentoo/gentoo-haskell/
 [2] http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/overlays/userguide.xml
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