With the help of Kjetil Torgrim Homme, the administrator for the
gateway at fa.* (including fa.haskell) (see "fa.* groups - news.groups
| Google Groups" at
http://groups.google.com/group/news.groups/msg/cce2e80da2f608ca),  as
well as some critical information from Jeffrey M. Vinocur on
comp.lang.haskell and comp.lang.functional (see "adding a mailing list
to fa.haskell? - comp.lang.functional | Google Groups" at
and some account management on my part, the Haskell-Beginners mailing
list has finally been added to the fa.haskell Usenet newsgroup!

fa.haskell - nntpnews.net

Previously, only the Haskell and Haskell-Cafe mailing lists were

You can now read Haskell-Beginners even when the Gmane mailing list
archive (see http://www.gmane.org/) is down with a newsreader on
fa.haskell (although, since the gateway is unidirectional, you cannot
post with fa.haskell--use the mailing list or Gmane for that).

Many thanks to Jeffrey M. Vinocur on comp.lang.haskell and
comp.lang.functional for his timely information on who was in charge
of fa.haskell, and to Kjetil Torgrim Homme, the administrator of
fa.haskell.  Without their help, this addition would not have been

-- Benjamin L. Russell

Haskell mailing list

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