Hello, fellow Haskell hackers! I am writing a term paper on Haskell in Business, and while I have gathered a lot of good information on the Internet, I would really like direct feedback from software professionals who have used Haskell in a business setting. I would really appreciate a few minutes of your time to provide insights gained from applying Haskell in the real world. Who knows, this could lead to a greater adoption of Haskell in the business community!

Rather than a list of Haskell's technical strengths (purity, laziness, composition, etc.), I want to get a sense of the process leading up to the decision to use Haskell for a given project and the insights gained during and after completion. I am particularly interested in questions related to business value:

* What were the pros and cons you considered when choosing a language? Why FP? Why Haskell? * What aspects of your problem domain were most critical to making that choice?
* How has using Haskell given you a competitive advantage?
* How is the software development lifecycle positively/negatively affected by using Haskell as opposed to a different language?
* How did you convince management to go with a functional approach?
* Was the relative scarcity of Haskell programmers a problem? If so, how was it managed? * Would you choose to use Haskell again for a similar project given what you know now?

The best responses will not simply list answers, but also provide background and a bit of narrative on the project and insights gained. Feel free to reply to the list, or just to me personally if you prefer. My email is below.

Thank you,
Kirk Martinez
(Kirk dot Martinez at gmail dot com)
Haskell mailing list

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