We plan to have some haskell.org downtime on Tuesday Nov 30th, while we migrate to the new server.


If you think something is missing from
then please let us know as soon as possible!


Just visited, and even the home page had borked layout
and an "under costruction" heading that probably doesn't
belong there (linking to a co.cc site).

I thought new-www was an experimental (mostly static) preview, copied long ago. Has it now been updated? Can users log in to both wikis? Has new-ww been checked for intrusions, given the long preview time? How are the two wikis kept in synch? Could you please give a few more details about the migration schedule and tooling (eg, what automated testing/diffing is in place? how does it fit in with the other server move schedules?)?
Is there a central page linking to all migration schedules?

Not that I'm not looking forward to a more stable haskell.org
experience - I'm just a bit surprised about the sudden move,
and I doubt our chances to verify the move without tool
support (some spider that separates content from layout
before applying diff? followed by crowd-sourced manual
checking with tool support for marking suspicious and
checked pages, perhaps?).


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