On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 10:06 AM, Svein Ove Aas <svein....@aas.no> wrote:

> And I've often wanted a select-equivalent in Haskell. It'd be simple,
> it'd help, so why not?
> But good luck using multiple cores like that. The one paradigm that
> makes no sense in Haskell is worker threads (since the RTS does that
> for us); instead of fetching a worker, just forkIO instead.
> Unless you're trying for LIFO or similar for overload handling, in
> which case.. umh. Right. Can we have select, please?
> ..I'm sure I started this off trying to explain why you don't need it.

If you really want an event-driven programming model, use GHC.Event

-- Johan
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