2011/6/28 Steffen Schuldenzucker <sschuldenzuc...@uni-bonn.de>:
> Btw., does TH parse this correctly? (If I was TH, I would not):
>> myPHPCode = [s|
>> <?php
>> $description = "Use the quasiquoter like this: [s|some text|]";
>> print $description."\n";
>> ?>
>> |]
> (the tricky part is "|]" occurring in the quoted text)
> Can we escape it?
> -- Steffen

I once spent some time and energy making [foo| bar baz |\] quux |] do
the right thing for a quasiquoter I implemented, only to discover that
GHC already supports [foo| bar baz \|] quux |]. So yes, you can escape

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