I've been using docidx for a while now. It's a great little tool. I highly 
recommend to anyone looking for a centralized documentation tool.


On Jul 15, 2011, at 8:38 AM, Andy Gimblett wrote:

> Hi all.  I'd like to announce docidx, a new tool for Haskell documentation:
>    http://hackage.haskell.org/package/docidx
>    http://github.com/gimbo/docidx.hs
> docidx is a program which creates a static HTML page indexing your installed 
> packages, with links to your local haddock docs and to each package's hackage 
> page.  It covers global and user packages, and handles multiple installed 
> versions sensibly.  Here's how the output looks:
>    http://github.com/gimbo/docidx.hs/raw/master/examples/example.png
> The idea is to complement the "index by module name" which Cabal creates and 
> maintains.  Sometimes you want to find things by package.  :-)  (But note 
> that unlike Cabal's index, docidx's isn't automatically updated when you 
> install a new package; so, I run it once an hour from cron.)
> Please see the github page for more details, including customisation options.
> Hopefully somebody will find this useful.  Maybe one day it could be part of 
> cabal-install?  :-)
> Thanks!
> -Andy
> PS: A bit of history/due credit: Martijn van Steenbergen did something 
> similar in PHP in early 2009: 
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe/53531/focus=53572 ; then 
> I wrote a static version in Python later that year: 
> http://gimbo.org.uk/blog/2009/09/23/ ; then Andy Price ported that to 
> Haskell: https://github.com/andyprice/docidx.hs ; finally, I rewrote that to 
> build the index via Cabal rather than walking the filesystem directly - and 
> here we are.
> --
> Andy Gimblett
> hask...@gimbo.org.uk
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