Again we will teach an "Applied Functional Programming Summer in Haskell" 
school this year at Utrecht University. In the previous four occasions students 
were all very happy with the school and we plan to repeat this success this 

Among the intended audience are prospective master students who gained an 
interest in Functional Programming, e.g. by taking a general course on 
programming languages, and want to learn more about Haskell and its typical 
programming patterns. In previous years we have taught an introductory part 
(advanced bachelor level), an advanced part (beginning master level) and a 
shared part for both groups. Topics covered are, besides some examples of 
domain specific languages, also monads, monad transformers, arrows, parser 
combinators and self-analysing programs, underlying principles, type 
inferencing, etc. 

Half of the course time is spent on a larger programming exercise; you can also 
come with a problem of your own if you want, and get help from the Utrecht 
University Software Technology group in finding the proper Haskell idioms, 
tools and libraries, for solving it.

Important links: 
  -- our own page where we supply information based on questions asked
  -- on this page you can find the poster you can print and hang somewhere (why 
not your office door): 

Furthermore we ask for your cooperation to bring this announcement under the 
attention of potential participants.

 Doaitse Swierstra, Atze Dijkstra and Johan Jeuring

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