                         1ST CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                        ======== TFP 2014 ===========

15th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming
May 26-28, 2014
Utrecht University
Soesterberg, The Netherlands

Registration is now open for the symposium on Trends in Functional
Programming (TFP). It is an international forum for researchers with interests in all aspects of functional programming, taking a broad view of current and future trends in the area. It aspires to be a lively environment for presenting the latest research results. Submission for TFP is now closed, and the complete programme (29 presentations and two invited talks) for TFP can be perused here:


TFP 2014 will be the main event of a pair of functional programming events.
The other is the International Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming
in Education (TFPIE). TFPIE will take place on May 25th. Its website is located
at http://www.cs.uwyo.edu/~jlc/tfpie14/ . The submission deadline for TFPIE
is April 21, 2014.


TFP is pleased to announce talks by the following two invited speakers:

John Hughes of Chalmers, Goteborg, Sweden, is well-known as author of
Why Functional Programming Matters, and as one of the designers of QuickCheck
(together with Koen Claessen); the paper on QuickCheck won the
ICFP Most Influential Paper Award in 2010. Currently he divides his time between his professorship and Quviq, a company that performs property-based testing of
software with a tool implemented in Erlang.

Geoffrey Mainland received his PhD from Harvard University where he was
advised by Greg Morrisett and Matt Welsh. After a two year postdoc with the
Programming Principles and Tools group at Microsoft Research Cambridge, he is
now an assistant professor at Drexel University. His research focuses on
high-level programming language and runtime support for non-general purpose


Early registration: April 14, 2014
Late registration: May 15, 2014
TFPIE Workshop: May 25, 2014
TFP Symposium: May 26-28, 2014

Registrations can be made at the following URL:


This page will also point you to the web page of the venue where you can arrange
for your stay.

hoping to see you there.
Jurriaan Hage (General Chair)

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