3rd International Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming in Education (TFPIE 2014)
May 25, 2014
Utrecht University
Soesterberg, The Netherlands

The 3rd International Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming in Education, TFPIE 2014, will be co-located with the Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP 2014) at Soesterberg, at the “Kontakt der Kontinenten” hotel in the Netherlands on Sunday, May 25th. TFP will follow from May 26-28.

The goal of TFPIE is to gather researchers, teachers and professionals that use, or are interested in the use of, functional programming in education. TFPIE aims to be a venue where novel ideas, classroom-tested ideas and work-in-progress on the use of functional programming in education are discussed. The one-day workshop will foster a spirit of open discussion by having a review process for publication after the workshop. The program chair of TFPIE 2014 will screen submissions to ensure that all presentations are within scope and are of interest to participants. Potential presenters are invited to submit an extended abstract (4-6 pages) or a draft paper (up to 16 pages) in EPTCS style. The authors of accepted presentations will have their preprints and their slides made available on the workshop's website/wiki. Visitors to the TFPIE 2014 website/wiki will be able to add comments. This includes presenters who may respond to comments and questions as well as provide pointers to improvements and follow-up work. After the workshop, presenters will be invited to submit (a revised version of) their article for review. The PC will select the best articles for publication in the journal Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS). Articles not selected for presentation and extended abstracts will not be formally reviewed by the PC.

TFPIE workshops have previously been held in St Andrews, Scotland (2012) and in Provo Utah, USA (2013).

** Invited Speaker **
TFPIE is pleased to announce that professor Johan Jeuring of Utrecht University and Open University, both in The Netherlands is giving an invited talk entitled: "Automatic tutoring and assessing functional programs".

** Program Committee **

James Caldwell, (Program Chair) University of Wyoming
Peter Achten, Radboud University, Nijmgen
Edwin Brady, University of St Andrews, St Andrews
Jurriaan Hage, Universiteit Utrecht
Philip Holzenspies, University of Twente
Daniel R. Licata, Wesleyan University
Marco T Morazan, Seton Hall University
Christian Skalka, University of Vermont
David Van Horn, Northeastern University

** Program **

The preliminary program of TFPIE 2014 is available at the home site of TFPIE 2014 and the TFPIE wiki (http://wiki.science.ru.nl/tfpie/Main_Page). This year's edition features 14 talks. The program is closed with a plenary discussion.

** Important Dates **

* 1 February 2014: TFPIE submissions open on easychair.
* 14 April 2014: Early registration for TFP closes
* 21 April 2014: Submission deadline for draft TFPIE papers and abstracts
* 27 April 2014: Notification of acceptance for presentation
* 15 May 2014: Registration for TFPIE closes - as does late registration for TFP
* 25 May 2014: Presentations in Soesterberg, Netherlands
* 29 June 2014: Full papers for EPTCS proceedings due
* 16 August 2014: Notification of acceptance for proceedings
* 8 September 2014: Camera ready copy due for EPTCS

Submission of an abstract implies no obligation to submit a full paper; abstracts with no corresponding full versions by the full paper deadline will be considered as withdrawn. At least one author from each accepted presentation must attend the workshop.

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