
                        CALL FOR PAPERS 

                   19th International Symposium on
          Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming
                              PPDP 2017

                Namur, Belgium, October 9-11, 2017
                  (co-located with LOPSTR'17)


         SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 12 May (abstracts) / 19 MAY (papers)


PPDP  2017  is a  forum  that  brings  together researchers  from  the
declarative  programming communities, including  those working  in the
functional, logic, answer-set, and constraint programming
paradigms. The  goal is to stimulate research  in the use  of logical formalisms
and  methods for  analyzing, performing, specifying, and  reasoning about
computations, including mechanisms for concurrency, security, static
analysis, and verification. 

Submissions are invited on all topics from principles to practice,
from foundations to applications. Topics of interest include, but are
not limited to 

** Language Design: domain-specific languages; interoperability;
          concurrency, parallelism, and distribution; modules;
          probabilistic languages; reactive languages; database
          languages; knowledge representation languages; languages
          with objects; language extensions for tabulation;

** Implementations: abstract machines; interpreters; compilation;
        compile-time and run-time optimization; garbage collection; memory

** Foundations: type systems; type classes; dependent types; logical
        frameworks; monads; resource analysis; cost models;
        continuations; control; state; effects; semantics.

** Analysis and Transformation: partial evaluation; abstract
         interpretation; control flow; data flow; information flow;
         termination analysis; resource analysis; type inference and
         type checking; verification; validation; debugging; testing.

** Tools and Applications: programming and proof
       environments; verification tools; case studies in proof assistants
       or interactive theorem provers; certification; novel applications
       of declarative programming inside and outside of CS;
       declarative programming pearls; practical experience reports
       and industrial application; education.

This year the conference will be co-located with the  27th Int'l Symp.  
on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2017).


Abstract Submission:    12 May   2017
Paper Submission:       19 May   2017
Paper Rebuttal:         10 July  2017
Notification:           20 July  2017
Final Version:          15 Aug   2017


Submissions can be made in three categories: regular Research Papers, 
System Descriptions, and Experience Reports.

Submissions of Research Papers must present original research which is
unpublished and not submitted elsewhere. They must not exceed 12 pages
ACM style 2-column (including figures and bibliography). Work that
already appeared in unpublished or informally  published workshop
proceedings may be submitted (please contact the PC chair in case of
questions). Submissions of research papers  will be judged on
originality, significance, correctness, clarity, and readability.    

Submission of System Descriptions must describe a working system whose
description has not been published or submitted elsewhere. They must
not exceed 10 pages and should contain a link to a working system. System
Descriptions must be marked as such at the time of submission and will
be judged on originality, significance, usefulness, clarity, and readability. 

Submissions of Experience Reports are meant to
help create a body of published, refereed, citable evidence where
declarative programming such as functional, logic, answer-set,
constraint programming, etc., is used in practice. They must not
exceed 6 pages. Experience Reports must be marked as such at the time
of submission and need not report original research results.  They
will be judged on significance, usefulness, clarity, and readability.

Possible topics for an Experience Report include, but are not limited to:
* insights gained from real-world projects using declarative
  * comparison of declarative programming with conventional
    programming in the context of an industrial project or a
    university curriculum 
  * curricular issues encountered when using declarative programming
    in education 
  * real-world constraints that created special challenges for an
    implementation of a declarative language or for declarative
    programming in general
  * novel use of declarative programming in the classroom  
  * programming pearl that illustrates a nifty new data structure or
    programming technique.


Submissions must be formatted using ACM style files (latest release
December 2016) using the instructions at 


To prepare your submission using LaTex:

 * Download acmart.zip from https://www.ctan.org/pkg/acmart
 * Unzip acmart.zip
 * Run latex acmart.ins to produce an acmart.cls file
 * Run pdflatex sample-sigconf.tex to check that your installation
   works correctly
 * Write your paper using sample-sigconf.tex as a template  

Proofs of theoretical results that do not fit within the page limit,
executables of systems, code of case studies, benchmarks used to
evaluate a given system, etc., should be made available, via a reference to
a website or in an appendix of the paper. Reviewers will be encouraged
to consider this additional material, but are not obliged
to. Submissions must be self-contained within the respective page
limit; considering the additional material should not be necessary to
assess the merits of a submission.  

At least one author of each accepted submission will be expected to
attend and present their paper at the conference. 

Papers must be submitted via easychair. The submission site is at 



Accepted papers will be published in the ACM International Conference
Proceedings Series.


  Brigitte Pientka (McGill University)

    Andreas Abel (Gothenburg University)
    Nadia Amin (EPFL)
    Zena M. Ariola (University of Oregon)
    Kenichi Asai (Ochanomizu University)
    James Cheney (University of Edinburgh)
    Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini (University of Torino)
    Santiago Escobar  (Universitat Politècnica de València) 
    Amy Felty (University of Ottawa)
    Thom Frühwirth (University of Ulm)
    Patricia Johann (Appalachian State University)
    Neel Krishnaswami (University of Cambridge)
    Michaël Leuschel (Universität Düsseldorf)
    Yanhong Annie Liu (Stony Brook University)
    Andres Loeh (Well-Typed)
    Vivek Nigam (Federal University of Paraiba / fortiss)
    Naoki Nishida (Nagoya University)
    Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA)
    Brigitte Pientka (McGill University) (PC Chair)
    Ulrich Schoepp (Ludwig Maximilian University)
    Chung-chieh Shan (Indiana University)
    Bernardo Toninho (Imperial College London)


   Wim Vanhoff (University of Namur) 


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