Google Summer of Code will take place again in 2019, for the 15th year
of the program [1]!  We are very proud that Haskell.Org has been able to
take part every year except for the initial year (2015) and 2016-2017,
when we had to resort to running our own program.

Last year, we were fortunate enough to join again, and we think the
results greatly benefited the Haskell community [2].  We are hoping to
do the same for 2019.  As far as we know, a really important part of our
application to GSoC is the list of ideas we provide.  For that, I would
like to count on all of you.

If you are the maintainer or the user of a Haskell project, and you have
an improvement in mind which a student could work on during the summer,
please submit an idea here:

For context, Google Summer of Code is a program where Google sponsors
students to work on open-source projects during the summer.
has taken part in this program from 2006 until 2015, and again in 2018.
Many important improvements to the ecosystem have been the direct or
indirect result of Google Summer of Code projects, and it has also
connected new people with the existing community.

Projects should benefit as many people as possible – e.g. an improvement
to GHC will benefit more people than an update to a specific library or
tool, but both are definitely valid.  New libraries and applications
written in Haskell, rather than improvements to existing ones, are also
accepted.  Projects should be concrete and small enough in scope such
that they can be finished by a student in three months.

Warm regards
On behalf of the Haskell.Org committee
Jasper Van der Jeugt

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