Dynamic Logic: New Trends and Applications

First Call for Papers

Porto, 9 October, 2019
(part of the 3rd World Congress on Formal Methods 2019)


Building on the pioneer intuitions of Floyd-Hoare logic, dynamic logic
was introduced in the 70's as a suitable logic to reason about, and
verify, classic imperative programs. Since then, the original
intuitions grew to an entire family of logics, which became
increasingly popular for assertional reasoning about a wide range of
computational systems. Simultaneously, their object (i.e. the very
notion of a program) evolved in unexpected ways. This lead to dynamic
logics tailored to specific programming paradigms and extended to new
computing domains, including probabilistic, continuous and quantum
computation. Both its theoretical relevance and practical potential
make dynamic logic a topic of interest in a number of scientific
venues, from wide-scope software engineering conferences to modal
logic specific events. However, no specific event is exclusively
dedicated to it. This workshop aims at filling fill such a gap,
joining an heterogeneous community of colleagues, from Academia to
Industry, from Mathematics to Computer Science.

Support: PT-FLAD Chair & DaLi - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016692


Submissions are invited on the general field of dynamic logic, its
variants and applications, including, but not restricted to

         Dynamic logic, foundations and applications
         Logics with regular modalities
         Modal/temporal/epistemic logics
         Kleene and action algebras and their variants
         Quantum dynamic logic
         Coalgebraic modal/dynamic logics
         Graded and fuzzy dynamic logics
         Dynamic logics for cyber-physical systems
         Dynamic epistemic logic
         Complexity and decidability of variants of dynamic logics
          and temporal logics
         Model checking, model generation and theorem proving for
          dynamic logics


Original papers (unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere), up to 15 pages in LNCS style. As in the previous edition,
post-proceedings will be published by Springer in a Lecture Notes of
Computer Science volume, and a special issue with extended, revised
contributions is planed.

Submit via the EasyChair link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dali2019


Dexter Kozen, Cornell University


Paper Submission: June 14, 2019
Notification: July 19, 2019
Camera Ready: September 2, 2019
Workshop: October 9, 2019


Guillaume Aucher (IRISA, FR)
Carlos Areces (U Cordoba, AR)
Alexandru Baltag, (UvA, NL) - PC co-chair
Luis S. Barbosa, (U Minho, PT) - PC co-chair
Mario Benevides (UFRJ, BR)
Johan van Benthem (U Stanford, USA)
Patrick Blackburn, (U Roskilde, DK)
Thomas Bolander (DTU, Denmark)
Zoe Christoff (U Bayreuth, Germany)
Fredrik Dahlqvist (UCL, UK)
Hans van Ditmarsch (LORIA, Nancy, FR)
Nina Gierasimczuk (DTU, Denmark)
Valentin Goranko (U Stockholm, SE)
Davide Grossi (U Groningen, NL)
Reiner Hahle (TU Darmstadt, DE)
Rolf Hennicker (LMU, Munchen, DE)
Andreas Herzig (U Toulouse, FR)
Dexter Kozen (Cornell, USA)
Clemens Kupke (U Strathclyde, UK)
Alexandre Madeira (U Aveiro, PT)
Manuel A. Martins (U Aveiro, PT)
Paulo Mateus (IST, PT)
Stefan Mitsch (CMU, USA)
Renato Neves (U Minho, PT)
Valeria de Paiva (Nuance Comms, USA)
Aybuke Ozgun (ILLC, NL)
Fernando Velazquez-Quesada (ILLC, NL)
Olivier Roy (U Bayreuth, DE)
Lutz Schroeder (FAU, Erlangen-Nurenberg, DE)
Alexandra Silva (UCL, UK)
Sonja Smets (UvA, NL)
Rui Soares Barbosa (U Oxford, UK)
Tinko Tinchev (Sofia U, BG)
Renata Wassermann (USP, BR)
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