The April 23 submission deadline for Compose NYC is rapidly approaching, so get

your submissions in soon.  We are also excited to announce that we now have two

confirmed keynote speakers:

David Spivak - Compositional Graphical Logic

Donya Quick - Making Algorithmic Music

Compose is a conference focused specifically on strongly typed functional

programming languages. It will be held in New York on Monday and Tuesday, June

24 -25, 2019. Registration will be open shortly.

To get a sense of Compose, you can check out the great talks from past


Below is our call for presentations.

In past years, we have also hosted an unconference over the weekend adjacent to

the conference.  The unconference details this year have not been finalized

yet, but if you’re interested you may want to keep that in mind when making

travel plans.


Compose Conference NYC 2019

Second Call for Presentations

June 24 -25, 2019

New York City

The audience for Compose is people using Haskell, PureScript, OCaml, F#, SML,

and other strongly typed functional programming languages who are looking to

increase their skills or learn new technologies and libraries. Presentations

should be aimed at teaching or introducing new ideas or tools. We are also

interested in presentations aiming at taking complex concepts, such as program

derivation, and putting them into productive use. However presentations on

anything that you suspect our audience may find interesting are welcome. The

following are some of the types of talks we would welcome:

*Library/Tool Talks* — Exploring the uses of a powerful toolkit or library, be

it for parsing, testing, data access and analysis, or anything else.

*Production Systems* — Experience reports on deploying functional techniques in

real systems; insights revealed, mistakes made, lessons learned.

*Theory made Practical* — Just because it’s locked away in papers doesn’t mean

it’s hard! Accessible lectures on classic results and why they matter to us

today. Such talks can include simply introducing the principles of a field of

research so as to help the audience read up on it in the future; from abstract

machines to program derivation to branch-and-bound algorithms, the sky’s the


Check out the Compose YouTube channel ( ) to

see videos of talks we've had previously and get an idea of the kinds of topics

we usually feature.

We also welcome presentations for more formal tutorials. Tutorials should be

aimed at a smaller audience of beginner-to-novice understanding, and ideally

include hands-on exercises.

The due date for submissions is *April 23, 2019*. We will send out notice of

acceptance by *April 30th*. We prefer that submissions be via the EasyChair

website ( ). Please suggest 

title, and describe the topic you intend to speak on. Talks can be either 30 or

45 minutes, please indicate how much time you would prefer to take. You may

submit multiple talks if you have several ideas and are unsure which would be

the most likely to be accepted. Accepted talks will be asked to submit slides

for review prior to the conference.

Feel free to include any additional information on both your expertise and

interesting elements of your topic that would be appropriate for inclusion in

the public abstract. Furthermore, if your abstract doesn't feel "final"—don't

worry! We'll work with you to polish it up. If you want to discuss your

presentation(s) before submitting, or to further nail down what you intend to

speak on, please feel free to contact us at ( ). We're happy to work with you, even if you are a

new or inexperienced speaker, to help your talk be great.


We would like to put an emphasis on soliciting a diverse set of speakers -

anything you can do to distribute information about this CFP and encourage

submissions from under-represented groups would be greatly appreciated. We

welcome your contributions and encourage you to apply!



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