[Online version of this email: https://bobkonf.de/2019-summer/cfc.html]

                      Summer BOB Conference 2019
         "What happens when we use what's best for a change?"
                          Berlin, August 21
                      co-located with ICFP 2019
                        Call for Contributions
                        Deadline: May 17, 2019

You are engaged in software development or software architecture, and
have an interesting story to tell about an advanced tools, technique,
language or technology that you're using? Or a gnarly problems that
these tools fail to address but should?

Summer BOB is a one-time-only event, in the spirit of the spectacular
Winter BOB. The International Conference on Functional Programming is
coming to town, and Summer BOB will be right in the middle of it, on
the last day of ICFP proper, prior to all the workshops. Summer BOB
will feature two tracks: one from practitioners, and one from
researchers, and foster communication and cross-pollination between
these communities.

If you share our vision and want to contribute,
submit a proposal for a talk!

NOTE: The conference fee will be waived for presenters. Travel
expenses will not be covered (for exceptions see "Speaker Grants").


We are looking for talks about best-of-breed software technology, e.g.:

- functional programming
- persistent data structures and databases
- types
- formal methods for correctness and robustness
- abstractions for concurrency and parallelism
- metaprogramming
- probabilistic programming
- math and programming
- controlled side effects
- beyond REST and SOAP
- effective abstractions for data analytics
- … everything really that isn’t mainstream, but you think should be.

Presenters should provide the audience with information that is
practically useful for software developers.

We're especially interested in experience reports.  Other topics are
also relevant, e.g.:

- demos and how-tos
- reports on problems that cutting-edge languages and tools should
address but don't
- overviews of a given field


We accept proposals for presentations of 45 minutes (40 minutes talk +
5 minutes questions), as well as 90 minute tutorials for
beginners. The language of presentation should be either English.

Your proposal should include (in your presentation language of choice):

- An abstract of max. 1500 characters.
- A short bio/cv
- Contact information (including at least email address)
- A list of 3-5 concrete ideas of how your work can be applied in a
developer's daily life
- additional material (websites, blogs, slides, videos of past presentations, …)
- Don't be confused: The system calls a submission event.

Submit here

Speaker Grants

BOB has Speaker Grants available to support speakers from groups
under-represented in technology. We specifically seek women speakers
and speakers who are not be able to attend the conference for
financial reasons.  Shepherding

The program committee offers shepherding to all speakers. Shepherding
provides speakers assistance with preparing their sessions, as well as
a review of the talk slides.


- Direct questions to contact at bobkonf dot de
- Proposal deadline: May 17, 2019
- Notification: May 31, 2019
- Program: June 14, 2019

Program Committee

- Matthias Fischmann, zerobuzz UG
- Matthias Neubauer, SICK AG
- Nicole Rauch, Softwareentwicklung und Entwicklungscoaching
- Michael Sperber, Active Group
- Stefan Wehr, factis research

Scientific Advisory Board

- Annette Bieniusa, TU Kaiserslautern
- Torsten Grust, Uni Tübingen
- Peter Thiemann, Uni Freiburg

More information here: http://bobkonf.de/2019-summer/programmkomitee.html
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