Bx 2019 Call for Participation


* Invited speaker: Zack Ives on Views, Update Propagation, and Provenance

* Registration information (early deadline: May 4)

* List of accepted papers and talks

General Information

* 8th International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations

* http://bx-community.wikidot.com/bx2019:home

* June 4, 2019, Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

* as part of the Philadelphia Logic Week (PLW) 2019:

Bidirectional transformations (bx) are a mechanism for maintaining the
consistency of at least two related sources of information. Such sources
can be relational databases, software models and code, or any other
document following standard or ad hoc formats. Bx are an emerging topic in
a wide range of research areas, with prominent presence at top conferences
in several different fields (namely databases, programming languages,
software engineering, and graph transformation), but with results in one
field often getting limited exposure in the others. Bx 2019 is a dedicated
venue for bx in all relevant fields, and is part of a workshop series that
was created in order to promote cross-disciplinary research and awareness
in the area. As such, since its beginning in 2012, the workshop has rotated
between venues in different fields.

Bx 2019 will be a part of Philadelphia Logic Week (PLW) 2019, which also
includes conference and workshops on logic, provenance, and databases,
topics that we hope will complement Bx and help build engagement with these


* https://sites.sju.edu/plw/plw-2019-registration/

* Early registration deadline: May 4

* Passes available for attending multiple co-located events, including
LPNMR (Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning) and workshops, Datalog
2.0 (Resurgence of Datalog in Academia and Industry), and TaPP (Theory and
Practice of Provenance)

* Opportunities for students to receive financial support from the LPNMR
Doctoral Consortium

Invited Talk

* Views, Update Propagation, and Provenance
 Zachary Ives (University of Pennsylvania)

Accepted Papers and Talks

The abstracts can be found at
http://bx-community.wikidot.com/bx2019:accepted .

* ASN.1 Encoding Schemes Done Right Using CMPCT
 Mark Tullsen (Galois, Inc.)

* Lenses and Learners
 Brendan Fong (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Michael Johnson
(Macquarie University)

* Multicategories of Multiary Lenses
 Michael Johnson (Macquarie University) and Robert Rosebrugh (Mount Allison

* Incremental Bidirectional Model Transformation with eMoflon::IBeX (Tool
 Nils Weidmann (Paderborn University), Anthony Anjorin (Paderborn
University), Lars Fritsche (TU Darmstadt), Gergely Varró, Andy Schürr (TU
Darmstadt), and Erhan Leblebici (TU Darmstadt)

* A Bidirectional Krivine Machine (Short Paper)
 Mikael Mayer (University of Chicago) and Ravi Chugh (University of Chicago)

* Consistent Runtime Adaptation of User Interfaces (Short Paper)
 Anthony Anjorin (Paderborn University), Enes Yigitbas (Paderborn
University), and Hermann Kaindl (Vienna University of Technology)

* Symmetric d-Lenses and Symmetric c-Lenses are not Coextensive (Short
 Michael Johnson (Macquarie University) and François Renaud (Université
Catholique de Louvain)

* A Toolbox of Lenses: Dimensions of the Lens Design Space (Talk)
 Zinovy Diskin (McMaster University)

* Expanding the Power of Lens Synthesis (Talk)
 Anders Miltner (Princeton University), Solomon Maina (University of
Pennsylvania), Kathleen Fisher (Tufts University), Benjamin Pierce
(University of Pennsylvania), David Walker (Princeton University), and
Steve Zdancewic (University of Pennsylvania)

* Optics and Type Equivalences (Talk)
 Jacques Carette (McMaster University) and Amr Sabry (Indiana University

* Reified Correspondences: A New Component of the Multiary Delta Lenses
Framework (Talk)
 Zinovy Diskin (McMaster University)
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