SPLASH 2019 Combined Call for Workshop Submissions

Following its long-standing tradition, SPLASH will host a variety of workshops,
allowing their participants to meet and discuss research questions with peers,
to mature new and exciting ideas, and to build up communities and start new
collaborations. SPLASH workshops complement the main tracks of the conference
and provide meetings in a smaller and more specialized setting. The following
workshops will be co-located with SPLASH 2019.

 * AGERE (Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control)
 * AI-SEPS (AI-Inspired and Empirical Methods for Software Engineering on
   Parallel Computing Systems)
 * DSM (Domain-Specific Modeling)
 * IC (Incremental Computing)
 * LIVE (Live Programming)
 * META (Metaprogramming)
 * NJR (Normalized Java Resource)
 * REBLS (Reactive and Event-based Languages & Systems)
 * STOKED (Spatio-Temporal platforms for Observations and Knowledge of Earth
 * VMIL (Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages)

*The submission deadline for all workshops is Fri 2 Aug 2019 (AoE).*

AGERE (Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control)

Call: https://2019.splashcon.org/home/agere-2019

The AGERE! workshop focuses on programming systems, languages, and applications
based on actors, active/concurrent objects, agents, and -- more generally -- on
high-level programming paradigms which promote decentralized control in solving
problems and developing software. AGERE covers both the theory and the practice
of design and programming, bringing together researchers working on models,
languages and technologies, and practitioners developing real-world systems and

AI-SEPS (AI-Inspired and Empirical Methods for SE on Parallel Computing Systems)

Call: https://2019.splashcon.org/home/seps-2019

The AI-SEPS workshop provides a stable forum for researchers and practitioners
addressing the challenges and issues of the software development life cycle on
modern parallel platforms and HPC systems. Emerging artificial intelligence
technologies are promising approaches to tackle these issues, as well as
approaches that use traditional empirical and experimental methods. The
workshop title reflects a change from the previous editions, with emphasis
placed on the trend of AI-inspired software engineering techniques for
performance. We aim to advance the state of the art in all aspects of
techniques on software engineering and parallel computing systems such as
requirements engineering and software specification; design and implementation;
program analysis; performance analysis, profiling and tuning; testing and

DSM (Domain-Specific Modeling)

Call: https://2019.splashcon.org/home/dsm-2019

Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM) languages provide a viable and time-tested
solution for continuing to raise the level of abstraction, and thus
productivity, beyond coding, making systems and software development faster and
easier. In DSM, the models are constructed using concepts that represent things
in the application domain, not concepts of a given programming language. The
modeling language follows the domain abstractions and semantics, allowing
developers to perceive themselves as working directly with domain concepts.
Some possible topics for submission to the workshop include: experience
reports, creation of metamodel-based languages, novel approaches for code
generation from domain-specific models, language evolution, metamodeling
frameworks and languages, and tool support for DSMs.

IC (Incremental Computing)

Call: https://2019.splashcon.org/home/ic-2019

The second Workshop on Incremental Computing (IC) will provide a space where PL
enthusiasts and researchers can discuss incremental computing problems and
solutions. A good talk at IC probably consists of one or more of the following:
explain an existing language or framework for incremental computing; outline an
incremental computing domain in detail, highlighting challenges; outline a new
incremental computing problem, or problem domain; or, propose a new language or
framework for incremental computing. This list is not exhaustive, but merely

LIVE (Live Programming)

Call: https://2019.splashcon.org/home/live-2019

The LIVE workshop invites submissions of ideas for improving programming via
liveness. Live programming gives the programmer immediate feedback on the
behavior of a program as it is edited, replacing the edit-compile-debug cycle
with a fluid programming experience. The most commonly used live programming
environment is the spreadsheet, but there are many others. The study of live
programming is now a [re-]established area of research. This year we would like
to reflect on what has been achieved, what has been learnt, and what remains to
be done, growing up from a nascent community into a discipline that can build
on previous work. We especially welcome reflection upon prior work, including
proposals to integrate, generalize, or theoretically frame them. We will do
this whilst maintaining the shared spirit of LIVE, encouraging a focus on the
human experience of programming. The LIVE workshop is a forum for early-stage
work to receive constructive criticism. We accept short papers, web essays with
embedded videos, and demo videos.

META (Metaprogramming)

Call: https://2019.splashcon.org/home/meta-2019

The changing hardware and software landscape along with the increased
heterogeneity of systems make metaprogramming once more an important research
topic to handle the associated complexity. This workshop aims to bring together
researchers working on metaprogramming and reflection, as well as users
building applications, language extensions, or software tools using them.

The challenges which metaprogramming faces are manifold. They start with formal
reasoning about reflective programs, continue with performance and tooling, and
reach into the empirical field to understand how metaprogramming is used and
how it affects software maintainability. While industry accepted
metaprogramming on a wide scale with Ruby, Scala, JavaScript and others,
academia still needs to bring it to the same level of convenience, tooling, and
understanding as for direct programming styles.

Contributions to the workshop are welcome on a wide range of topics related to
the design, implementation, and application of metaprogramming techniques, as
well as formal methods and empirical studies for such systems and languages.

NJR (Normalized Java Resource)

Call: https://2019.splashcon.org/home/njr-2019

Software researchers increasingly take advantage of large software repositories
when they design new tools. How do we make such repositories maximally useful
for research? In particular, how do we make them more searchable, make
interaction scriptable, and ensure that we can run both static and dynamic
analyses? Additionally, how do we make the results from tools reproducible, how
do we label programs with ground truth, and how do we measure whether a
repository is representative of real-world applications? NJR 2019 will be the
third workshop in a series that addresses these questions. The goal is for
researchers in academia and industry to share new ideas, demonstrate recent
tools, and discuss directions for research and development.

REBLS (Reactive and Event-based Languages and Systems)

Call: https://2019.splashcon.org/home/rebls-2019

Reactive programming and event-based programming are two closely related
programming styles that are becoming ever more important with the advent of
advanced HPC technology and the ever increasing requirement for our
applications to run on the web or on collaborating mobile devices. A number of
publications on middleware and language design -- so-called reactive and
event-based languages and systems (REBLS) -- have already seen the light, but
the field still raises several questions. For example, the interaction with
mainstream language concepts is poorly understood, implementation technology is
in its infancy and modularity mechanisms are almost totally lacking. Moreover,
large applications are still to be developed and patterns and tools for
developing reactive applications is an area that is vastly unexplored. This
workshop will gather researchers in reactive and event-based languages and
systems. The goal of the workshop is to exchange new technical research results
and to define better the field by coming up with taxonomies and overviews of
the existing work.

STOKED (Spatio-Temporal platforms for Observations and Knowledge of Earth Data)

Call: https://2019.splashcon.org/home/stoked-2019

Global coverage and temporal resolutions of earth observation imagery data is
increasing at an unprecedented rate, generating trillions of new pixels of data
daily. The challenge with this "big data" is finding practical ways to extract
knowledge and deliver it to end users at scale, both due to the complex nature
and the sheer volume of information.

Detailed, standardized geographic information is required to enable a new era
of spatial temporal analytics—enabling insights to understand, monitor, and
manage the earth’s resources in a sustainable manner. This can be accomplished
through massive aggregation of data from remote sensors coupled with novel
approaches to preparing, analyzing, and interacting with data.

Modern spatio-temporal platforms will soon be using 3D visual interactive maps
with close to real-time deep learning algorithms. In addition to system
infrastructure and UI/UX challenges, we also need to address the normalization
problems of data, particularly with data generated from multiple sensors. Use
cases in climate change and emergency response in "extreme events" would see
immediate benefit from this kind of platform.

STOKED will provide an opportunity for researchers and stakeholders from this
broad spectrum of applications and domains to start to design future platforms
from an interdisciplinary perspective.

VMIL (Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages)

Call: https://2019.splashcon.org/home/vmil-2019

The concept of Virtual Machines is pervasive in the design and implementation
of programming systems. Virtual Machines and the languages they implement are
crucial in the specification, implementation and/or user-facing deployment of
most programming technologies. The VMIL workshop is a forum for researchers and
cutting-edge practitioners in language virtual machines, the intermediate
languages they use, and related issues.
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