On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 03:22:26PM -0500, Luke Kanies wrote:
> I sweat, I've found someone able to describe what they _liked_ about python
> without comparing it to perl.  It makes python-ruby script wars difficult:
>     me: ruby is awesome
>     them: perl sucks!
>     me:  Bartender!  Check, please!

One thing that bothers me about Python is that one of things they claim
as a good thing about their language is that "it isn't Perl". And I have
the same problem with both PHP and Ruby. Whenever I read a piece that's
supposed to promote Python, PHP or Ruby, somewhere in the beginning they
must remark how much better they are than Perl.

They're just like Go players. They can't explain what's so great about
their game either. But it's better than chess!


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