Discovered this forum whilst looking for info on Mirapoint. Saw the recent thread on Kcalc and wanted to add a bit of ranting.

Looks like the first thing I need to do is get a hates-software ID. So I sent off a request. After scanning the list to make sure that 'mike' wasn't taken already. While waiting for the confirmation email I got impatient and decided to use the newsgroup interface instead.

I clicked on it and up came 'Outlook Express provided by America Online'. Looks like this is the only app that's setup for the 'news:' protocol since I removed the old Netscape and switched to Thunderbird. Apparently Thunderbird doesn't register itself for the 'news:' protocol anymore.

I've never even run Outlook Express. It's been sitting here since somebody installed one of those free AOL CD's on my machine years ago. I composed my Kcalc message, then noticed that there wan't any field telling me who the Sender would be set to. Since I've never used this software, I added a note at the bottom saying who I really was just in case it ended up being some strange system default. I clicked 'Send'.

The system replied that the message couldn't be sent because no Sender had been specified. Right. I went into the Accounts dialog and configured a Sender. Tried again. No luck. OK, I'll have to close the window and restart it to pick up the new Sender ID. First I'll save the message since I did spend some time composing it. I clicked 'Save'. Then closed the window. 'Message has not been Sent or Saved - click blah-blah'. It wasn't saved, and there weren't any errors. OK, I clicked 'Save' from *that* dialog. Closed the window. 'Message has not been ...'. Great. Oh well, I've saved it twice. I closed it anyway. Then went to look in the Drafts folder. No message. Looked in all the empty mailboxes. Nope. It wasn't saved. It's gone.

Got to work and fired up the Linux box. It crashed twice by sending the screen into some obscure 'X' graphics mode which *halted the system*. Finally got it back again. Got the list confirmation email and (hopefully) successfully got added. Then I composed this message. Oops - Thunderbird has my work email. I'll have to add my home email since that's what I subscribed under. Did that. Saved the message first. Great - at least that part worked this time. I'm not even going to try and re-create the Kcalc response. I've got enough here to rant about.

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