Luke Kanies <> writes:
> On Mon, 31 Oct 2005, Nicholas Clark wrote:


> But the thing I'm writing about, the thing that pissed me off the most, is
> that it would literally refuse to acknowledge a file full of VCards because
> that file did not have the right extension.  Even dragging the stupid file
> onto the window got zero response.
> This is exactly the kind of absolute stupidity that I feared when Apple
> announced their retarded "we're going to store important metadata in the
> file name" policy.  The worst part was that I had to actually export some
> existing entries to figure out what the right extension is.  Rename the
> file, whammo, things work just fine.

Bah.  This is exactly the same hate as it was when Apple used to store
important metadata in their special little eight bytes somewhere other
than the filename.

At least you can /change/ the filename without having to find and
install some sort of magic file blessing tool to alter those bytes into
making your application identify them.

Painful and stupid: not actually considering file content when you look
to opening, or not opening, a file.

Painful and stupid: the idea that there is one, and only one, thing that
is solely responsible for a file, and nothing should be able to change

Not that any platform is substantially better at this.

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