Nicholas Clark writes:
> So why the fuck is the default action for Meta-G in emacs "set face"?
> RMS need to be hit around the head with a Larry Wall(*) until he
> grasps the principles of Huffman coding. Common actions should be
> shorter.
> *: Not the real Larry Wall. A 98% replica. Or how however the spam
>    puts it.  Heck, even a cardboard cutout would do for this job.

Apparently, someone's managed to find something vaguely Larryoid in time
for the next version of Emacs:

So, M-g still doesn't do the obvious thing, but at least M-g M-g does.
And that silly font menu isn't in the way any more.

All that's needed now is for Emacs 22 to actually get released some time
this decade.  Not looking too likely, though.

Aaron Crane

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