On Thu, 15 Dec 2005, Nicholas Clark wrote:

> Sounds much like my parents' digital TV box.
>   "New channels detected. Process them now, or later?"
> My father is in the middle of watching something, so he chooses "later".
> 5 minutes later,
>   "New channels detected. Process them now, or later?"
> urge
>      To
>         KILL
>              **RISING**
> You know, some people might actually be using the box to watch TV? Eh!
> Surprise. Would never have thought of that, would you?

Or here's a crazy idea: the cable companies all have channel listings on 
hand, why not tie that in to this new functionality ?

    if customer_defers_new_channels()

Really, should that be so hard to do? If the set-top box is smart enough 
to keep polling the customer until s/he submits to its tyrrany, it 
should surely be smart enough to at least figure out a reasonable and 
mutually agreeable time for the tyrrany to begin.

Chris Devers


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